Friday, September 5, 2008

Intel's New Chip

Has Intel's New Chip Architecture Finally Defeated Amd?

For a few years now AMD has dominated the performance PC market, but the latest release of Intel's new desktop chips has changed that virtually overnight. Intel's new Core 2 Duo chips do not simply outperform AMD's fastest chips; they leave them in the dust. Preliminary benchmark testing puts Intel's fastest chip, the Core 2 Extreme X6800, 17 percent faster than AMD's Athlon FX-62 on the World Bench 5. The World Bench 5 consists of a multi-tasking test encoding a file with Windows Media Encoder while browsing the net with Mozilla. Even Intel's more affordable Core 2 Duo E6700 can beat the Athlon FX-62 by 12 percent. This makes a huge difference in the microchip market where gains of 10 percent or less are more common.

Intel's Core 2 Duo line ranges from a 1.86 GHz E6300 to the 2.93 GHz Core 2 Extreme X6800. These chips are already available in Dell's XPS line of desktops, in Alienware's Area-51 and ALX series, and in ABS Ultimate computers. Many of these desktops with new chips are more affordable than you might think.

How did Intel do it? One of the major features Intel improved upon in their new chip architecture was power consumption. While the Pentium Extreme Edition was burning 135 watts, the latest Core 2 Extreme X6800 burns only 75 watts. That is a 44 percent increase in efficiency. This means the new Intel Core Duo chips run a lot cooler. For the hardcore gamers and those needing the ultimate performance, such a low base temperature allows for more stable overclocking, and ABS has proven this with the ABS Ultimate X9. The Ultimate X9 runs the Intel Core 2 Extreme chip overclocked to 3.5 GHz for even stronger performance on the World Bench 5. This decrease in core temperature also means PC manufacturers will be able to build smaller and quieter systems, using fewer fans.

Another major feature of Intel's new chip architecture is the development of multiple CPU cores. This allows the chip to be more adaptable and better able to deal with bottlenecks. A great deal of the increase in performance comes from an extra executable core. While the Pentium D had 3, the new Core 2 Duo has 4 executable cores. That extra core along with some coding have allowed the chip to read multiple sets of instructions as if they are a single set. Intel has also eliminated another major bottleneck with its huge 4 MB cache. Though most dual core chips allocate a specific amount of cache, to each core, the Core 2 Duo is able to share the entire cache across both cores. Amazingly, it is able to distribute that shared cache as needed to the core working on the more complex task. This core might use 3 MB of he cache to complete a difficult task while the other core uses the other 1 MB for a simpler, though necessary, task.

So, these developments beg the question, has Intel finally defeated AMD? It certainly looks that way for the remainder of 2006 and perhaps through 2007. AMD has a new chip architecture for the desktop due out in 2007. AMD is attempting to stay competitive with Intel with some dramatic price cuts. The FX-62 has gone down in price by over $200. They have a CPU package for multisocket PCs called "Torrenza". Torrenza will debut on servers where multi-socket configurations are already common. This will not be their answer to Intel's Core 2 Duo. AMD's next generation chip architecture is due out in 2007 and it has been called "K8L". No one really knows how these and quad core chips will be able to perform. So, while AMD is still in the race for the long run, for the next 6 months to 1 year, Intel is now the unquestioned leader in high performance chips.

Laptop Computers Instigate Classroom Revolution!

Have you noticed that laptop computers are beginning to dictate what happens in the classroom? Additionally, mobile technology is changing where learning takes place. This is especially true as laptops are entering the educational arena in ever increasing numbers.

Yet not all educators are quick to jump on the notebook bandwagon. They are waiting to see if laptop use is truly changing learning for the better. That’s why schools such as Framingham State College in Boston and the Myron B. Thompson Academy in Honolulu are being scrutinized. Both schools have elected to use laptop computers as a major resource in their curriculum.

It must be noted that simply having laptop computer access does not change the learning process - the entire curriculum must change and merge technology with academics. Using a laptop is more than replacing paper and pencil with electronics. The entire relationship between the teacher and students must change. Teachers are no longer merely dispensers of knowledge but become facilitators in a learning process that takes place with additional tools for communication with students. This encourages greater student involvement, long recognized as a key to learning.

Professors actively engaged in education via technology see laptops as a way to give real life experiences to otherwise insipid theories. For instance, physics students can witness the breakdown of radioactive materials, math students can apply their knowledge of logic to projects that use spreadsheets, and english majors can evaluate peers’ poetry and prose. With laptop availability in the classroom, access to additional information and knowledge is readily available.

So what do students think of the laptop trend? Well most find it invigorating. Rather than dealing with one dimensional lectures, teachers can engage the internet to show relevancy to daily life. Out of date, static texts can be set aside for breaking news stories - and so much more.

As schools show the link between laptops and learning effectiveness, the trend for laptop use will certainly grow.

For those opposed to the technological revolution taking place in today's classrooms, perhaps the words of Maria Montessori should be heeded.

".....If education is always to be conceived along the same antiquated lines of a mere transmission of knowledge, there is little to be hoped from it in the bettering of man's future....."

Acquaint Yourself With Computer Printers

A computer printer is a device used for printing text or images on hard copy stored in electronic form, generally on physical print media like paper. Printers are designed to support both local and network connected users simultaneously.

Nowadays, modern printers can directly interface to electronic devices like digital cameras. Some printers that come with non printing features are commonly known as Multi-Functional Printers (MFP) or Multi-Function Devices (MFD). It integrates various functions of multiple devices into one. Such types of printers are extremely useful for small businesses and home offices.

As opposed to a traditional printer, a multi-functional printer is a combination of devices like Printer, Scanner, Photocopier, and Fax Machine. Likewise, there are numerous other types of printers widely available in the market. Let’s take a look at them:

Laser Printer: A laser printer works in a similar fashion as a photocopier does. It has a roller which is charged with electricity. A laser beam is passed to remove the charge from portions of the roller. The parts hit by the laser are powdered by the toner which is then transferred from the roller to the paper. Finally, the ink is baked into the paper with the help of a heater incorporated in the printer. People generally prefer laser printer because of its ability to give high quality output and high speed.

Dot Matrix: It has a print head that moves across the page. A dot matrix printer produces characters using a cluster of pins which press an inked ribbon to the paper, thereby creating a dot. Each character is made in the same way. Dot Matrix printers are relatively cheaper and durable. These qualities still attract businesses which use them as invoice printers.

Ink Jet and Bubble Jet: It works in a manner similar to a Dot Matrix Printer. However, its print head sprays liquid ink onto the page instead of pressing a dry ink against the page. Ink jet and bubble jet printers are better known as predecessors of laser printers. They produce better image quality and run faster.

>From inkjets to monochrome and color lasers, different printers are designed to accomplish different tasks. Companies like DELL, CANON, LEXMARK, BROTHER, EPSON, and HP HEWLETT PACKARD are most preferred when it comes to buying a printer. Nowadays, computer printer support is widely available on the Internet which saves you from taking it to any expensive technician for troubleshooting.

Computer Consulting 101 Hiring Tips

Does your business need the services of a computer consulting firm? Before you rush out and hire the first techie or slick-salesperson that knocks on your door, be sure to consider these favorite Computer Consulting 101 hiring tips for screening and interviewing local computer consulting firms. In this first in a two-part series, we'll look the root of the problem, as well as the four most basic criteria that you'll need to ask about when searching for computer consulting vendors.

Computer Consulting 101 Preventative Medicine

Many small business owners have a tough time knowing how to deal with difficult computer consultants. However, if you're able to uncover potential problems at the start of your computer consultant/client relationship, you can avoid many of these unpleasant issues altogether.

Root of the Problem

While most entrepreneurs and small business managers know exactly what to ask when it comes to hiring for internal staff positions, hiring a computer consulting firm can be more difficult.

So on top of dealing with the myriad legal issues surrounding how you retain the services of contractors (best advice: consult with your attorney), as opposed to hiring employees on your payroll, you'll need to know how to ask the "right" questions. Don't make the ultra-common common mistake of focusing on the wrong things. Use these Computer Consulting 101 Hiring Tips as your checklist for doing your homework before you sign on the dotted line.

Part-time or Full-time Computer Consulting

Do you have a "day job"? Are you moonlighting?

Solo Practitioner or True Computer Consulting Business

What do you mean by the "we"? Are there any other people who work at your company?

Are they employees or contractors? What are their names, specialties and backgrounds? How long have they been with the company? Will they be involved with this account? (Tip: The more pointed questions you ask, the more you'll flush out the B.S. and hyperbole.)

Small Business or Large Company Computer Consulting Experience

What "size" is your typical consulting client, in terms of number of PCs, employees and annual revenue?

Generalist or Specialist Consulting Company

What industries or vertical markets have you worked with? And in what particular aspects and software applications?

What kinds of products, services, and platforms does your company shy away from? Do you work with any specialty hardware, software or services vendors?

The Bottom Line

In this first of a two-part series of these Computer Consulting 101 hiring tips, we looked at why small business owners and managers find that computer consulting companies are so difficult to hire, as well as four basic issues that you must confront when searching for a new computer consulting vendor. In the second installment of this two part series on Computer Consulting 101 hiring tips, we'll look at how you can get your hands around the true costs of using a computer consulting firm, as well as how you can more objectively evaluate the computer consulting firm's suitability for the task of servicing your company's technology needs.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Acquaint Yourself With Computer Printers

A computer printer is a device used for printing text or images on hard copy stored in electronic form, generally on physical print media like paper. Printers are designed to support both local and network connected users simultaneously.

Nowadays, modern printers can directly interface to electronic devices like digital cameras. Some printers that come with non printing features are commonly known as Multi-Functional Printers (MFP) or Multi-Function Devices (MFD). It integrates various functions of multiple devices into one. Such types of printers are extremely useful for small businesses and home offices.

As opposed to a traditional printer, a multi-functional printer is a combination of devices like Printer, Scanner, Photocopier, and Fax Machine. Likewise, there are numerous other types of printers widely available in the market. Let’s take a look at them:

Laser Printer: A laser printer works in a similar fashion as a photocopier does. It has a roller which is charged with electricity. A laser beam is passed to remove the charge from portions of the roller. The parts hit by the laser are powdered by the toner which is then transferred from the roller to the paper. Finally, the ink is baked into the paper with the help of a heater incorporated in the printer. People generally prefer laser printer because of its ability to give high quality output and high speed.

Dot Matrix: It has a print head that moves across the page. A dot matrix printer produces characters using a cluster of pins which press an inked ribbon to the paper, thereby creating a dot. Each character is made in the same way. Dot Matrix printers are relatively cheaper and durable. These qualities still attract businesses which use them as invoice printers.

Ink Jet and Bubble Jet: It works in a manner similar to a Dot Matrix Printer. However, its print head sprays liquid ink onto the page instead of pressing a dry ink against the page. Ink jet and bubble jet printers are better known as predecessors of laser printers. They produce better image quality and run faster.

>From inkjets to monochrome and color lasers, different printers are designed to accomplish different tasks. Companies like DELL, CANON, LEXMARK, BROTHER, EPSON, and HP HEWLETT PACKARD are most preferred when it comes to buying a printer. Nowadays, computer printer support is widely available on the Internet which saves you from taking it to any expensive technician for troubleshooting.

Protect Your Computer

I will have to be first when I admit I am addicted to the Internet. Whenever I‘ve got a spare hour, I love to just surf around as a form of entertainment. I have also found out about the world of download. I can take the best in modern music and DVD and watch or listen as I do whatever else I want. This is the kind of thing that absolutely anyone could become addicted to. Whatever entertainment you want for the cost of your Internet connection! Wow.

As perhaps you would expect, when I am online all the time I run into a few problems that I have had to deal with. When downloading, you are simply asking for problems when these files are not being scanned before you actually download them. I lost all information from my hard disk before, and that includes my financial records, my photographs and the all the games, and DVDs and music which I had downloaded along the way.

Before, I just had some anti-virus software called Norton which was just on my computer when I bought it. I thought it worked fine but occasionally some viruses would get through. Yes only occasionally, but this is not good enough when your computer could just crash at any given time. This is a problem that you have to tackle before some malware or spyware penetrates your hard drive or the internals of your computer. My friend's PC just started switching off whenever it pleased as a result of this and the same thing could easily happen to you.

So basically what I would recommend is that you do not surf the Internet, then your current protection will probably be ok. However if you do, then you absolutely have to upgrade your virus package.

So now I don’t rely on any rubbish package for anti-virus protection. You simply have to update your as well if you want to protect your computer. Because the Internet changes every minute, so does the viruses that your anti-virus software has to tackle. That is why you need software which automatically updates itself via your Internet connection. Think about when a new virus pops-along. Will your two-year old package be able to defend your computer? I do not think so some how.

And other thing that you need from anti-virus software is something that will come with support functionality. Imagine when you realize that you have zero idea how to upload your software. You need a call-center that is going to ensure you can get it working on your computer. You should actually get software which directly meets your surfing habits. If you do not then you are just asking for problems to happen. Look at the software and ask questions. Will this be able to handle downloading from peer-to-peer networks?

Basically, if you spend your time online or even if you work from the Internet then you cannot afford not to invest in some quality anti-virus protection. Having some rubbish package is better than nothing, however things are far more sophisticated these days, and you really need something that is going to work. It is a wise investment, and think how much money you will save once you start downloading free stuff online?

Newest Work Hazard For Computer Users: CVS

Millions of Americans go to work every day to sit at a computer for 8 or more hours, seven days a week. While office work is hardly considered to be a "dangerous" job, several years ago, doctors began to notice that certain afflictions are becoming increasingly common among those who use computers all day long.

First, the medical community became aware of CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome), a painful and sometimes debilitating inflammation in the wrist, arms, and hands. In response to the increased number of office workers being diagnosed with CTS, computer furniture manufacturers began to develop ergonomically correct keyboards and keyboard trays, as well as computer chairs that offer more comfortable seating for computer use. Now, many employers provide ergonomically correct workstations for their office staff and CTS is on the decline.

Unfortunately, a new hazard has now taken the place of CTS. It's called CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome), and is caused by prolonged visual exposure to a computer screen. CVS has, in the past two years, become the number one health complaint of office employees.

Like CTS, Computer Vision Syndrome is also preventable. There are a few things you can do to reduce the sensitivity and eye strain associated with computer work. According to optometrist Dr. Larry K. Wan, there are five key ways to reduce the effects of CVS.

Dr. Wan suggests getting regular eye exams, which means (according to NIOSH—the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) once a year. While many contact-lens wearers are required to get eye exams each year to renew their lens prescription, it's important for those who don't wear contacts as well. Tracking the health of your eyes will allow your optometrist to identify whether or not you're experiencing a deterioration of vision due to CVS.

Dr. Wan also contends that proper lighting is important, citing that eyestrain can be caused by excessive lighting either coming in through a window, or from interior lighting itself. Dim your lights when using a computer.

Glare is another factor that Dr. Wan claims can cause CVS. In addition to adding an anti-reflective coating to your eyeglasses, glare can be prevented by anti-glare screens attached to your monitor, or by using an LCD monitor arm. LCD monitor arms actually allow you to tilt or slide your monitor at the touch of a finger, eliminating strain as the light in the room changes. We found affordable, high-quality LCD monitors online at Versa Products, Inc.

Adjusting the brightness of your computer screen can also help. Optimize for comfort which may mean either reducing or increasing the brightness. Find one that feels comfortable to your eyes.

Interestingly, Dr. Wan also tells his patients to blink more often. When staring at a computer screen, we tend to blink less than we normally do—a process which keeps the eyes lubricated and comfortable. Make a point of blinking more often and every half hour, blink about ten times in a row, slowly. This will help reduce the effects of CVS as well.